COurse prereqs
At all JBS TRAINING GROUP courses, you are required to be competent and safe with the firearms you bring to class. You will be critically observed and judged for your muzzle awareness, trigger finger discipline, and other gun handling safety principles. If you demonstrate that you do not possess the capacity to load, unload, draw, present, transport, holster, sling, unsling, reload, fire, or manipulate your weapon with complete control, in any facet at all, you WILL be removed from the firing line, and a refund WILL NOT be issued. If you believe that your advanced skills warrant unsafe gun handling you will also be asked to leave. Skill is not the measure, safe gun handling absolutely is.
JBS requires that all shooters KNOW, UNDERSTAND, and APPLY the 4 Life-Safety Rules of Firearms Handling before attending any JBSTG course. There is ZERO-TOLERANCE for unsafe or irresponsible gun handling. Violations of these rules at any time can, and likely will, result in a student being removed from the firing line without a refund.
The 4 Life-Safety Rules of Firearms Handling are:
I will know the status of the firearm at all times and treat it with the respect it deserves as the life taking tool that it is.
I will not point my firearm at anything that has blood in it that I would like to keep blood in.
I will keep my finger off the trigger and outside the trigger-guard until i have the intention to fire. My rifle safety will be on until I have the intention to fire.
I will know my target, its background and foreground and what is going on around me at all times as best I can control.
JBS requires that students have the physical capacity to safely hold, and manipulate their firearm without assistance. Quite simply, if you have a rifle you can’t load, hold, lift, etc, or a handgun you cannot pull the slide back on, do not come to class until you can.
We have chosen to have high safety standards when it comes to firearm handling. The level of control and responsibility we require is more than most. We make sure that all students on the line fulfill these requirements in order to ensure every JBS class is as safe as possible.
If this is your first live-fire training course, you should take care to be sure your proficiency is up to par to participate.
This DOES NOT mean you must be a highly skilled marksman, but this DOES mean that you are expected to be a professional gun handler as it pertains to safety and control.
You should be able to move your body under a time crunch. That doesn’t mean you have to be fast, it just means you are expected to be mobile.
You should be able to maintain control of the muzzle, trigger finger, and your general set up while moving through obstacles and around others. If I feel like you aren’t ready, I do not have time to attempt to help you get there. You will be asked to leave if I am not certain you will not point a gun at someone.
Which pistol holsters are allowed?
JBS requires that students use a holster made for the SPECIFIC FIREARM MODEL you have chosen to use, (Not a generic-fit floppy “Uncle Mikes” or “Universal” type holster). This holster must retain the firearm in all activities to include, running/sprinting, sitting, potentially falling, etc. Certain exceptions to the universal holster policy include Tier One MSP Pro, and the Phlster Floodlight. If you have a similar holster and are wondering if it will be allowed, please email for approval. We allow passive or active retention holsters however if your holster works through active retention, (a thumb-strap, ALS button or similar) you will be required to use that feature when holstering your weapon on the line. Here are a few other requirements:
The holster must be for outside the waistband or inside the wasteband. (NO small of back, shoulder, crossdraw, ankle rigs, or pocket carry allowed.)
The holster MUST remain open when the firearm is removed to officiate efficient reholstering one handed if need be. Holsters that require you to open them up to insert a firearm because they clam shut when you draw the firearm are a NO GO.
Your holster MUST be mounted to a BELT that is mounted to your pants or shorts with belt loops. You may not clip a holster to a pair of sweat pants/workout shorts and come to class. I do not care that many people carry this way. That doesn’t change anything about this policy. AIWB carry is fine. Battle belt/duty belt is fine. Phlster Enigma system is the ONLY exception to this belt mounted policy and that assumes that the Enigma is set up per the mfg instructions the correct way.
SERPA Holsters are NOT APPROVED. DO NOT BRING ONE TO CLASS. You will not be allowed to participate.
Your holster MUST completely cover the trigger/trigger guard of your firearm when holstered.
Do I need to upgrade my gear before coming to class?
Your cheap junk is not a reason to stop a class so you can constantly fix it and attempt to keep up. Budgets are real. I get it. However, reasonable expectations must be maintained. If you bring a $35 optic to a course that will require that you to attempt high accuracy standards (they all ask that you attempt these standards), you should not be surprised if you struggle to keep pace. Also, if you are not a gunsmith, we do not advise that you use a weapon that you have personally modified for defense of innocent life, training, or competing. The firearms industry typically, I said typically, does a solid job of making the value of the weapon equitable to the cost. Frankly, if you didn’t pay but $100 for your gun, you shouldn’t expect more than $100 worth of performance out of it. Make wise decisions in what you bring to class so that you can learn new things, rather than having to fix failing guns and accessories during class.
Can I use my 10” build in rifle class?
ATF classified “Pistols” may be used in our rifle classes. I ain’t your daddy or the ATF.
Are binary triggers allowed in class?
Binary triggers are not allowed in JBS courses.
Should I bring a rifle sling?
Have one. I prefer a two point and so do most people after learning how to use it. I don’t mind you bringing a single point but just know that the muzzle of that rifle not being secured by a second point is your responsibility.
Is there any specific gear I need to bring?
Make sure you check each course page for any specific gear requirements. If you have any gear questions, don’t be afraid to email us. As long as your gear meets our requirements, don’t be afraid to bring what ya’ got. We will work with you to get the most out of it.
What happens if it’s raining?
We train in almost all weather conditions. Just because it’s cold, snowing, muddy, rainy, hot, muggy, etc we do not stop classes. Only when conditions exist that pose a threat to student safety will we cancel for the environment. In such an event, I intend to remain on property until the weather issue passes and continue the course where we left off.
Can minors train with JBS?
Absolutely, as long as certain criteria are met. Those under 18 years of age (legal minors) may participate in JBS classes where ranges and state rules allow, and as long as their parent or legal guardian is also taking the class. If a minor is under 15 years of age, they will not be allowed to participate in any performance based open enrollment course, however we do offer private lessons on the Home Range in Upstate SC.
For all JBSTG firearms classes, minor aged participants do not get any additional warnings, or slack when it comes to our standards on personal responsibility or control of their firearm. As a parent you should take care to be sure your child is ready to be responsible with a firearm.
Can I buy a class for my loved one, friend, or colleague?
Yes, if you are paying for a tuition that is not your own YOU are responsible for providing the students correct email and making sure the attendees have read this agreement. It will be provided in email for them as well, but if we do not have the correct email and they come to class unaware of these prerequisites, I will hold the buyer accountable.
Can I make a partial deposit, and pay in full when class starts?
JBS Training Group no longer takes partial deposits, due top the complexity it caused. I have now partnered with PayPal to provide my students with the ability to get 0% financing on class, with the Buy Now, Pay Later program.
What if I signed up for class, but I believe I’m not proficient enough in my safe gun handling?
Please let me know ASAP so we can discuss ways to get ready or refer you to another type of course.
Video Confirmation:
If you are unsure if you are ready, record yourself doing the following based on the class you want to take, and send it to me (Social media, email, etc.) I will look at it and be able to tell you if you are good to go.
Pistol Courses:
String 1
1. Start unloaded. From the holster, load and make ready
2. On a USPSA type target (or similar) at 5-10 yards, draw and fire 3 shots
3. Perform a speed reload, and fire 3 additional shots
4. Recover to the holster
String 2 (Can be performed in dry fire and submitted)
1. Start from the holster (USPSA target or similar is fine)
2. Draw and fire two shots
3. Move five yards to the rear and fire an additional two shots
4. Move back to the start position and fire an additional two shots for six total trigger pulls
5. Recover to the holster
Rifle Courses:
String 1
1. From slung position, load and make ready with three total rounds in the rifle
2. From any standing start position, fire 3 rounds at a 10 yard USPSA type target
3. Perform a bolt lock reload, and fire 3 additional rounds
4. Recover to the slung position
String 2
1. Start at the 10 yard line on the same target from string 1
2. From standing start position of your choice fire 5 rounds
3. Move rearward five yards
4. Fire 5 additional rounds from the 15 yard line
5. Move 5 yards forward to the original start position and fire 5 additional rounds
Please include showing the target in the submission. Again, you don’t have to be great at hitting what you’re aiming at. That’s what I am here for; however, you should at least have all shots on the target in order to attend a course.
Please email JBStraininggroup@gmail.com with any questions you may have.